Welcome to Chicopee Country Club
“Top 10 Course in Massachusetts “
Hope you all had a great holiday season! Chicopee Country Club is closed for the winter months. If you need to inquire about a gift card, 2024 league play or would like information on holding a golf event, please feel free to email Mike at moneill@chicopeema.gov.
Pay Now…Play Now!!!
Purchase a 2025 Chicopee Country Club Season Pass NOW and play for the remainder of 2024 is included! Golf for the 2025 season and the rest of this year for this year’s rates!!!
Please fill out and sign the attached application with rules and policies.
Season Pass-holder Information
If you’re planning on playing Chicopee Country Club this year, a season pass may be your best option! Check out prices for Seniors, Juniors, Weekday, Cart, Range Packages and more!!! See attachment
Season Pass Rules and Policies
Mail payment to:
Chicopee Country Club
1290 Burnett Road
Chicopee, MA 01020
Or email:
Mike O’Neill – moneill@chicopeema.gov for more information.
COVID Single Rider Cart Policy
During the 2020 COVID Season we experienced negative effects on the golf course and on our golf carts due to the single cart usage such as course traffic damage, extra work and time for staff including cleaning and disinfecting each cart and simple wear and tear on the carts. Due to those reasons we will be adjusting our cart fees for those players that feel uncomfortable sharing a cart. We respect your decision to ride alone, however, there will be a “Single Rider Cart Rate” charge.
Disability Blue Flag Policy
Chicopee Country Club offers the use of disability flags on golf carts for those individuals who provide written medical reasons. The disabled golfer must possess a doctor’s letter verifying that you are in need of a handicap flag to play golf or a State Issued Disabled Persons Parking Identification Placard. The Director of Golf has the right to allow use of a disability flag to any individual that may need special consideration. Flag privileges may be suspended or revoked with or without warning for abuse of this policy.
Rules for Blue Flags
1. The disability cart may be driven up to within (30 feet) of a green or tee box.
2. At NO TIME should a disability cart be parked or driven on a green, collar or between a green and bunker adjacent to the green or a tee box.
3. No carts are allowed in the 18th tee box area.
4. In the case of inclement weather or certain golf course conditions, carts may be restricted to cart paths only. NO DISIBILITY PRIVILEGE will be extended at that time.
5. The Ranger/ Starter have absolute authority for all traffic control. If a player refuses to abide by the rules of the day (as stated above), his/her disability flag privileges may be suspended after review by the Director/ Commission.
Gift cards are available!
Gift Cards are available for any amount you’d like!
For more information, call Our Pro Shop at (413)594-9295.